Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Trashy Moms (original post 5.22.06)

So I was at the Target in Ypsi and had an experience that immediately made me think, "ah...blog-worthy". A follow-up experience made me need to write it tonight.

Experience #1: I'm walking along and I see a cute little kid about 8 years old walking around the store with his mom and he's helping her push the cart while she puts milk into it. I smile at him and keep walking when I hear someone's cell phone ring with an especially explicit Ludacris song ("I wanna, lick, lick, lick, lick you from your head to your toes..."). Although I will admit I like that song and often sing along to it in my car, I was appalled to hear it going off in the store, especially near an 8-year-old child. I turn around and the ring is coming from his mother's phone.

Experience #2: I'm searching MySpace profiles and I come across this woman in Florida. In her primary picture, she is standing with her shirt off covering her breasts. Trashy, I know, but it gets better. So of course it's like a train wreck: I can't stay away from looking at the entire profile. I look at her page and there's a chick in a bikini in a provocative pose in the background. I get into the other pics of her and luckily there are no other half-nude ones. Instead, there is one of her and her son. Her friends have posted (over the provocative bikini chick of course) "Happy Mother's Day" graphics, complete with Precious Moments images.

So I guess the people I'm trying to reach in this blog is all of you mothers out there. Go on with your sassy selves! Don't let motherhood turn you into a boring, responsible woman! Or worse yet, a role model! Stay out at the bar until 3am! Put your boobs on MySpace next to the picture of you and your kid! Play Ludacris and Lil' Kim loud and proud! Just because you got knocked up doesn't mean you need to spend the rest of your life paying for it! Just don't be surprised when your daughter turns into a raging slut or your son ends up in jail. It's a small price to pay for your fun and freedom!

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