Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Extreme Love vs. Everyday Love (original post 10.24.06)

I don't usually do serious blogs, however the ideas swirling around in my head lately deserve print.

There's extreme love and everyday love. When authors write love stories or song artists write music, they write and sing about extreme love. They write about the most pain you can feel and the most pleasure that you can feel; the highest high and the lowest low. But that's not what we experience day to day. In fact, people probably experience extreme love only 10% of the time. If you mapped it out, comparing extreme love to everyday love would form a bell curve. Extreme love has been normalized because of all of the songs talking about that all someone needs is love or they are nothing without it.

So maybe what I'm getting at is that love isn't about jumping off of a cliff for someone. Couldn't love just be enjoying each other's company? Couldn't love just be knowing someone wants to work to better their life and yours?

I'm not pessimistic, just logical. I don't believe in love at first sight or soulmates. I believe in the power of a team, two people who work hard together to create, build and maintain a relationship. Relationships aren't a fairy tale land where people live happily ever after. It takes two committed people who dedicate themselves to bettering themselves, their relationships and in turn their partner.

So why did I write this? I believe we don't all deserve love. It takes a lot of energy and a lot of effort. Anyone not willing to invest doesn't deserve it.

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